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Speaker. Inspire. Wellness.

"Adversity makes you stronger so you can handle what you have been prayer for." 


(One Lung Survivor)

As a Cert. Public Speaker, I use my stories of test, healing, failures, triumph and redemption to help others be inspired, empowered, healed and transformed.


Things most are ashamed to share, I am open to sharing. I realize that most people want to be helped by the people who have experienced the valley moments of life and not only survived them, but THRIVE in life!



I am purposed to grace multiple rooms, stages and arenas all over impacting the world in a POWERFUL way! 



My Signature Topics:


-Miraculous Story of a One Lung Survivor


-The Power of Your Mindset


-Pain Produces Purpose


-The Importance of Toxin-Free Living 





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